torsdag den 25. juni 2015

European CanSat Competition 2015 (Day 1)

We started the day with an opening ceremony where representatives from the different institutions that are hosting and supporting the competition gave a series of short speech. They congratulated the teams for making it to the final and emphasised the importance of motivated students full of curiosity   being given the chance to explore original ideas in the field of space. They encourage the different teams to talk to each other and learn about the other teams projects and different methods of working. ESA is first of all an international organisation.

Then we were given time to prepare for our introductory presentations and technical inspection for our flight test. The flight test consist of the teams flight engineer going up in a plane and dropping the CanSat to check the speed of descent and that everything works in preparation for the launch tomorrow.

Thought out the day we also worked on updating our blog and recording segments for P1 Videnskabens Verden.

Recording Segment for P1 Videnskabens Verden

Opening Ceremony
Preparing for technical inspection 
Technical inspection
CanSat deployed from plan 
Sigurd in his "flyverdragt"
Sigurd preparing for departure 
Ground Station 
Launch Field

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