fredag den 26. juni 2015


We have created a website, on which we hope that our collected data from the launch will be shown live. How we wanted to challenge ourselves in the process of creating a website, was that we wanted to program the entire website from scratch, using php and html. We have not chosen to display all the data that our CanSat measures, as we fear that the website will become too chaotic for the reader.

  • Altitude as a function of time
  • Acceleration as a function of time
  • Temperature as a function of time

Our CanSat also measures UV radiation, visible light, humidity and creates a light spectrum using a spectrophotometer. The CanSat also films its descent. You can view all of the processed data on our final powerpoint that I will link to on this blog.

Link to website:

Morten and Ole hard at work

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